Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Estrella Mountain, Golfing With Old Friends

One of Steve’s former colleagues, Steve, lives in the Phoenix area, and another one from Denver, Dave, was coming into town, so we set up a golf date at Estrella Mountain. It has been about 15 years since Steve has seen Dave, and about 8 years since he has seen Steve.  It was quite a reunion over a game of golf.  Dave and Steve were on their 4th day of golf in as many days and played incredibly well compared to Steve and I who were nice and fresh. 

It was a beautiful golf course, and a gorgeous day, and so much fun seeing these two again.  When we finished our game, we all went over to Steve and Nancy’s beautiful home for appetizers and drinks, and then we all enjoyed a great meal at one of their favorite Italian restaurants.  What a fun day with old friends!

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