Saturday, November 6, 2021

Lunch in Jerome, AZ

Jerome, AZ is an old mining town, high in the hills above Cottonwood, AZ, where we are staying.  We have been here before, but only by trails on our RZR, covered in dust and very wind blown.  Today’s visit was by car, so much more civilized.  We could walk around town without feeling like dusty spectacles.

The view from Jerome, overlooking Cottonwood and the hills of Sedona.

The town of Jerome has character. You never know what you might see.

We tried to go to our favorite little restaurant called ‘Grapes’, but unfortunately it was closed for remodeling, so we went to a place down the block called ‘Clinkscale’.  Super cute place, but the food just didn’t replace Grapes.  

This little shop kind of shows you the feel of Jerome.  Quaint, hilly, and all about the views!

After a little shopping in Jerome, we headed back to Cottonwood for more exploring.

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