Sunday, June 27, 2021

A Wedding, A Pageant, A Birthday and A Baptism (June, 2021)

We had so many great reasons to head back to Colorado and Wyoming this month, and luckily for us, they all included family.  Our first stop was our nephews wedding, which has been postponed three times, and a full year because of Covid-19.  They finally settled on a much smaller wedding in his new bride's, parent's back yard and community park.  It was the perfect venue, with a small group of friends and family.

After time in Colorado for the wedding, we headed up to Wyoming to see our youngest daughter.  We had a chance to help her out a little bit with her garden, which she had spent a lot of time planting, but was having trouble finding the ideal way to water it.  We came up with motes, which will hold the water in and allow it to really soak deep without encouraging a lot of weeds.  Hopefully this will help her out in the long run this summer.

For kicks and giggles, we also went to a local pageant while we were in town.  Tons of fun, and we got to have our pictures taken with a local beauty. 

When our time in Wyoming was up, we headed back to Colorado for some more family festivities.  Since our daughter and Son (in-law) live so far away from everyone, they decided to have a little 1st birthday party for our grandson while they were in town.  

Cake Comas are real!

And once the cake coma wore off, he was even able to help with clean up.

And the other reason we came back to Colorado was our Grandson's Baptism at one of the lakes by our family cabin.  Two of his cousins liked the idea so well that they decided to join in.

Covid has kept families apart so much in the last year, it is great to be vaccinated now, and be able to do all of these amazing things we have missed out on for so long! Life is great!

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