Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Starting the Landscape (December 2020)

We've been holding off on our front yard landscaping because we needed the dirt from the swimming pool to do some contouring.  A few weeks ago we rented a large bobcat to move the dirt.  Now it is time to start placing boulders.  

We can carry 3 large boulders at a time in our truck, then we use the RZR to pull them out and place them where we want them.

I told Steve that this part of the landscape project could get expensive because I am having way too much fun!  
We ended up placing 21 boulders in our front yard before we were done. 

Now we are going to place the landscape on hold for awhile because we get to spend some long overdue time with our youngest daughter and her boyfriend in Wyoming.  We can't wait!

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