Friday, January 8, 2021

Fremont Canyon, Wyoming (December 2020)

On our final day in Wyoming, we took the day off from our projects, and took a beautiful drive west of Casper, ending our day in this beautiful location called Fremont Canyon.  What a gorgeous place!

A huge thank you to the kids for an amazing stay in Wyoming.  We had so much fun, and enjoyed just living life and seeing where they live.  We know that they are excited for this pandemic to end so they can get to know their neighbors and their new town, but for now, they are just living a simple life and enjoying each day.  We are so proud of them.

Painting and Shiplap in Wyoming (Decemeber 2020)

The kids have the cutest house, but they felt that it had just a few too many colors for their taste.  The living room was painted gold with a red feature wall.

The kitchen was green and brown with red curtains.

and the hall was gold.

When we finished, the living room was a nice subdued "agreeable" gray.

The kitchen and dining room were also a beautiful subdued gray.  

The hall was a nice subdued gray.

And the big red feature wall is now white shiplap.  

It was so much fun to work on this project with them, and even more fun to see their excitement when it was complete.  They have such good taste, and it turned out beautifully!

The Woodburning Stove (December 2020)

The kids have this amazing wood burning stove in their living room.  It is an incredible source of heat and ambiance, but we also used it for cooking...a lot!  We made cookies and pizza.

And even elk tacos.  Yum!

There is something about this stove that I am just in love with!  

Cutting Wood (December 2020)

Our sawbuck is ready, and so are we!  Splitting lessons first.  

See that stack of wood in the background?  It won't be there for long.

Spitting in the foreground...cutting and stacking in the background.

All done!  It was a very successful day!

Building A Sawbuck (December 2020)

The kids had two cords of wood delivered to their ranch a few weeks ago, but have only had time to cut it as they need it so far.  So Steve decided that it would be fun to build a sawbuck so we could all chip in to cut, split and stack the wood.  

Steve decided that we girls needed to build it by ourselves, and so we did.  OK, in reality, our daughter built a sawbuck and I was her helper.

They have two barns, and one has a nice workshop in it, so we worked in the workshop.

When it was all done, we carried it out and set it up.

And got the first log ready for cutting.

 Let's get started!!

Our Grandson's Christmas Stocking

One of the traditions in our family is that I hand stitch a Christmas stocking for each new member of the family.  I have been working on our grandson's stocking since we found out our daughter was expecting.  I got his done just in time for Christmas!  

It's so much fun to see him enjoying it!

Christmas Fun In Wyoming (December 2020)

Our youngest daughter and her boyfriend moved into their new home in Wyoming a couple of months ago, and we are super excited to be heading up their for Christmas.  Of course, since we're in the middle of a pandemic, we are all being super careful to ensure that we are all Covid free before combining our households.  Even the dog is being careful!

We had a few things on our agenda while we are here, but most importantly we just wanted to have some quality time with these two wonderful kids.  We wanted to just live life and enjoy every moment with them.

Drying some apples on her new dehydrator.

Morning coffee.

Just relaxing.

This is life on the ranch in Wyoming, and these are the moments that make life fun!

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Starting the Landscape (December 2020)

We've been holding off on our front yard landscaping because we needed the dirt from the swimming pool to do some contouring.  A few weeks ago we rented a large bobcat to move the dirt.  Now it is time to start placing boulders.  

We can carry 3 large boulders at a time in our truck, then we use the RZR to pull them out and place them where we want them.

I told Steve that this part of the landscape project could get expensive because I am having way too much fun!  
We ended up placing 21 boulders in our front yard before we were done. 

Now we are going to place the landscape on hold for awhile because we get to spend some long overdue time with our youngest daughter and her boyfriend in Wyoming.  We can't wait!

Two Front Teeth for Christmas (December 2020)

 All he wanted for Christmas were his two front teeth, and he got them just in time!

The Hat

Our grandson wearing the same hat that his Grampy Steve and great uncle both wore many years ago.  I can't believe that Steve's mom held on to this for all of these years.

Successful Hunters (December 2020)

 Our youngest daughter and her boyfriend are great hunters, and except for store bought chicken now and then, eat only wild game.  They had a very successful deer and antelope season.

With the Covid -19 pandemic still raging, they are finding it hard to get their meat processed this year.  Many of the commercial meat packing plants have had to shut down, which is putting a strain on all of the small mom and pop processors to carry the load.  Luckily the kids have a good connection and are still able to get their game meat processed.

Fireplace Wall (December 2020)

Our final big indoor project, and the one we have been working up to with our tile trials is a fireplace feature wall.  Our family room has a 12 foot high, big blank wall that we want to add some interest to.

We started out by building the front piece of the feature wall, with a cutout for an electric fireplace and another for a TV mount.  We built it in place to avoid any problems getting it into the room.

Once we had the front wall done, we started framing the bump out portion directly on the wall.  Otherwise, there won't be enough ceiling clearance to stand it up.

Once we stood the front piece up, we secured it with ratchet straps to hold it in place until we could get it screwed into the back piece.

Next came the drywall.

We used large format porcelain tile.  Each piece was 2' x 4'.  We laid all of the porcelain tile out in the garage to ensure that we had a pattern that we liked before we started putting it up on the wall.

We used a premixed mortar that was recommended to us by an associate at Floor and Decor, and used a leveling system to ensure that each tile laid perfectly flat.  We painted the nook where the TV mount would go black to make it "disappear" once the TV is in place.

Once we allowed time for the mortar to set up, we broke out all of the levelers and cleaned up the seams for the grout.

We still need to install the TV, but our feature wall is complete.  

This project was a lot of fun, except for the top 4 feet or so.  Getting the 2' x 4' tiles up that high was a bit daunting to say the least, but we did it and are very proud of the finished product.