Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Fans and Dimmers and Blinds, Oh My! (October, 2020)

There are so many things that have to be done when moving into a new home.  And some of them just disappear into the background once you do them, and although you enjoy them everyday, you never really think about them again.  

We left for Washington in such a hurry after moving in, so now the real work must begin.

We ordered and installed three ceiling fans.

Installed six dimmer switches.

Measured, ordered and installed 24 window blinds.

Had the plumbers out to put in our water softener and reverse osmosis system, as well as a new outside water spicket.

Installed our standing and hanging garage cabinets that we brought with us from Havasu.

Installed two overhead shelves in the garage, because no matter how much space you think you have, you will still have more stuff than the space to hold it.

Sealed the grout throughout the house, and ordered and installed all of our appliances.  All of these little things are beginning to make this new house feel like a home.

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