Friday, January 3, 2020

Norwegian Dinner (Saturday, December 21st, 2019)

We're back in Colorado for a few whirl wind weeks, and so excited for all that is in store for us!  It's always so much fun to see everyone, and walk the steps that once were our home.  

One of the things Steve's mom really wanted to do while we were home was to prepare a traditional Norwegian dinner for all of us to enjoy together.  Unfortunately, some of the family couldn't be there, but for those of us that were, it was amazing!  

Steve's parents were so proud to be able to do this for all of us!

We started out our day with a final gift unwrapping for a birthday already gone by.

Then the kids went out to take some pictures while they were all together.  It's so fun for them to have some time with just the four of them.

It was finally time for our big dinner, and the preparations were on.  There was pickled haring and Gjetost cheese for appetizers.  With fruit soup, lefse, Norwegian meatballs, boiled potatoes, lutefisk, peas and lingonberry jam for the main course.  A feast fit for Norwegian kings, served on the family china.

Our fantastic day ended with some family football time, just hanging out and enjoying the company of those we don't get to see often enough.

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