Saturday, September 10, 2016

Fish, Moose and Elves (Sunday, September 4th and Monday, September 5th, 2016)

Steve and I slept great last night in the cabin, so did his parents. Our son (in-law) slept great in the tent, and our daughter survived the night!  Not bad!  

Today is a new day, and we are off to new adventures at the cabin. Steve's dad and our son (in-law) headed out early this morning to do some fly fishing on one of their favorite lakes, while the rest of us cleaned up the breakfast dishes and then headed out on a walk to catch up with them.  

But first, we needed a selfie! : )

We had a great walk to the lake, and noticed that there is a hint of yellow and red if you look closely.

When we got to the lake, Steve's dad and our son (in-law) were already in the car to head back home.  The fish weren't biting, and it was cold and windy.  So they had given up.  But instead of heading home, they decided to join us on our walk.

We ran across this guy in the road, but he had no interest in us, and went on his way.

When we got to the far end of the lake, it was still cold and windy, but it was really pretty and we were seeing more signs of fall.

Before long, the wind calmed down, and the day got warmer, so Steve's dad and our son (in-law)  went back to try their hand at fishing again.  They stayed out for a long time! The weather was good, the fishing was good, and they were having a great time...the prefect day!

Steve's brother and sister-in-law came by the cabin for a bit.  We all had some snacks as we wanted our fisherman to head back for one more session before the sun went down.  A few minutes later, we got a call from them. They had been chased out of their favorite fishing spot by a moose and her two calves.  

So we headed down to the lake to see if we could find them.

We didn't seem to bother them at all, as we watched them quietly from the safety of our car. When they finally wandered back into the willows, we walked over to see how the men were doing fishing. We were glad to see that they were doing very well!

It was a very successful trip to the cabin full of fish and moose stories.  But before we left on Monday morning, we took one final walk down Elf Lane to bring our visit to the cabin to a close.  

Elf Lane is a stretch of road that we used to call "Bear Country", but a few years ago, some of Steve's family that have a cabin near ours, put a few elves on the road.  Over time it grew, with others adding more elves.  Each time we go through there, it changes a little bit, so it is always an adventure.


While we were at the cabin, we made sure to cook lots of extra food, and on our way home we stopped to see our youngest daughter and drop some of it off.  When her college schedule gets busy, she always appreciates having some already cooked meals. We used the opportunity to take her out to lunch, and enjoy ice cream and smoothies before we dropped her off and headed back home. 

What a wonderful weekend we had in the Colorado Rockies!  

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