Thursday, February 25, 2016

Progress in Paradise (Friday, February 12th, 2016)

Lake Havasu City has been breaking records with their temperatures while we have been here, so we have been doing everything we can to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather. It has been getting down to the low 60’s at night and up to the mid to high 80’s during the day. You certainly can’t beat that in February! The locals are a little worried, wondering what the summer temperatures are going to be if it’s already this warm in February, but we’re as happy as can be, and enjoying every minute of it!

Lake Havasu City is hopping right now! There are more people here now than we have seen in a long time, and it is fun to feel the excitement that so many people bring to a small town. Many of the locals have also commented on this.  So today, we spent the day exploring things that are going on in the town. Everywhere we looked, there were people out enjoying the gorgeous weather.

Paddle boards and peddle kayaks

Kayaks everywhere!

Boats and jet skis in the channel

And don't forget, it's February!  

As we look around the city, we can see all kinds of changes happening, for the first time in a long time.  There are new, larger power poles going in...

I always wondered how they did that, now I know!
And new houses are going in...

The town is busy everywhere we look!

We also decided to drive over to the new boat ramp that they are building at Windsor Beach State Park to see how it is coming along. We first noticed it last December (refer to our post called “Lake Havasu City – Big Boats, New Ramps and Christmas Lights Tuesday, December 8th 2015”). We parked in the campground, and started walking around. It was so warm, and we could walk forever.

Last time we were here, they were just starting to build the supports for the bladder that would hold the water out of the boat ramp area. It is now fully functional, and the boat ramp is underway. They have also done a lot of dirt work in the parking lot area. It is going to be a huge parking lot!  The new ramp is supposed to be 8 boats wide and be done by Memorial Weekend of this year.  

On the right side is the bladder holding out the water from this part of the lake

A close-up view of the bladder

Back by the hoe, you can see the progress on the ramp

And here you can see the concrete going in on this side of the ramp as well
The road leading to the channel between the new parking lot and the new ramp, I'm sure this will stay about the same

Work on the new parking lot

The new parking lot is going to be huge!
It was great to have a day to just explore and see all of the exciting things that are happening in our little town.  And I'll end this post with one of the Havasu classics.  Something that is not changing, at least for now..

The beautiful London Bridge, stretching over Bridge Water Channel to the island

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